How much of your one, precious life are you going to spend daydreaming about what could be - instead of taking action and getting to LIVE it?


1:1 Coaching

Highly personalized, we’ll get you through whatever barriers are standing between you and the life you’re dreaming of living. There’s no “program” here because your journey isn’t the same as anyone else’s, is it?

in-person EVENTS

Sometimes all you want is to do a bit of the work, but do it in community. My in-person events are focused around FUN and ADVENTURE, often involve travel, and are a guarantee that you’ll let go and just relax!


Learn to prioritize yourself and build a life based around your values, designed with fun in mind, and using boundaries and the principles of shame-free leaving and feminine energy to hold space for yourself.


Design Your Dream Life

Through my personalized coaching, I’ll work alongside you to develop an integrated plan to achieve the life YOU want to live.

Nothing here is prescriptive - we work with your brain and your highest values to develop the life that’s going to have you spinning with joy.

We’ll lay the foundation by diving deep on what your heart truly desires and erase the noise of the competing stories your mind is telling you. Then we’ll chart the path and walk it, together.

In me you’ll have not only a powerful problem solver, but a true cheerleader. Because I know that once you get started, you’ll be unstoppable.

The Magazine

Design Your Intentional Life

Four times a year (for the luckiest ones) we have a chance to see the world completely shift before our eyes and offer us something unique, enchanting and beautiful.

Each of these shifts come with an opportunity to uncover something about ourselves, find joy in some different slice of life, revel in the wonders of the world, and grow giddy with the sense of impermanence of that same beauty - knowing that in a few short months the world will once again be shape shifting before us.

Ritual Magazine is the exploration of that beauty and much more.

The Podcast

Design Your Joyful Life

Girl in World is where you’ll find the motivation and inspiration to create YOUR joyful life and meet all your dreams head-on; whether they be a life fueled by travel, an amazing work-life balance, deep connection with others, all of the above or something totally unique to you.

Here we believe that every dream is valid, life is what we make it, AND that we can have everything we want…as long as we’re willing to take action.